Star Coin 3 - Mario must use the spring to get the final Star Coin when the two Spike Tops are on the other side of the ice.Star Coin 2 - Mario must use the spring to reach the yellow pipe before the midway point, and then follow the Moneybags to the end of the area for the Star Coin.Star Coin 1 - While avoiding the first set of Piranha Plants, Mario should hit the bricks guarding the Star Coin.

Mario should enter the pipe to reach the red-flag exit, which leads to a Warp Pipe on the world map that takes him to 5-3. Near the end of the level, there is a large block of ice with two Spike Tops on it, and a pipe with a Piranha Plant above it. After going through the Warp Pipe, Mario just needs to jump across more ice, avoiding more Spike Tops and Swoops, to make it to the pole. Mario should go to the end to grab the second Star Coin by Wall Jumping to it. If the player jumps into the yellow one, they will go to an area with a Moneybags. Mario should get the Star Coin and move the spring to the yellow and red pipes seen earlier. Wii Level 2-5 Star Coins 350,010 views 800 Dislike Share Save GameXplain 1.31M subscribers Our V-guide will show you how to get. The player should go ahead to an area with a spring, and above it is the third Star Coin. After the Piranha Plants are two Warp Pipes, one yellow, and one red. To get the first Star Coin, Mario should go up, avoiding the Piranha Plants, and then he should hit blocks above him. The level contains multiple Spike Tops and Swoops in it.

3 stars : Beat every Normal level do not.

2 stars :collect all star coins is world 9. It features the first appearance of Lakitu and the second appearance of Yoshis. I Show How To complete 100 with 5 star 1 star : complete the game. World 2-5 is the sixth and fifth regular level of New Super Mario Bros.