Once the ".exe" file is installed, you can now log in to your already existing Nvidia account or you can even create a new Nvidia account. When you finish the download, you need to run the ".exe" file of GeForce Experience in order to install it on your PC. All you have to do now is click the download button. Simply land on the Nvidia GeForce Experience page and find the 'Download Now' button. In case the graphics driver in your PC is not packed with GeForce Experience by Nvidia, worry not! You can simply get it by yourself by just manually downloading it. May it be a frame rate counter present on the screen's top-left corner, a location to get the new drivers downloaded whenever they are out or simply record the game you play, you are free to take advantage of the GeForce Experience to the fullest. You are now free to enjoy all the features it brings along with it. Screen recorder GeForce is generally installed when the drivers are the first download in the Nvidia GPU it also means that your PC already has GeForce Experience. It is the best software one can get particularly if your PC has an Nvidia graphics card. Since Nvidia has always put its efforts to give the best to its users, the software is being advanced with every step such that it now not only offers a varied range of features in its general UI but also in its scope of what the tool is actually meant for. GeForce Experience screen recorder by Nvidia is popularly known for its extremely convenient and powerful software which has the ability to perform numerous tasks.