Basic principles of the law of armed conflict
Basic principles of the law of armed conflict

This means that the Geneva Conventions and their First Additional Protocol are fully applicable, as are customary international humanitarian laws and a number of weapons treaties. Whereas the vast majority of wars currently taking place in the world are non-international armed conflicts, sometimes referred to as civil wars, what we are seeing happen in Ukraine is legally classified as an international armed conflict, a conflict between States, because hostilities have broken out between their armed forces. We would like to answer some of our readers’ recent questions with a short recap of the key rules of IHL, offered along with the North Star that guides them: to limit the suffering of war. We have to be humble about humanitarian action and IHL, yet both can save lives, as they have done in many conflicts around the world. Our method is neutral and impartial humanitarian action, and our guiding framework is international humanitarian law (IHL). Now we are here, again, trying to respond to humanitarian needs that far outpace our and others’ capacity to respond. It was clear before the dramatic increase of hostilities in Ukraine that it would entail fighting in cities, widespread death, destruction and trauma, potential environmental disasters, and that civilians – as in all armed conflicts– would bear the brunt of the consequences.

basic principles of the law of armed conflict basic principles of the law of armed conflict

Armed conflict in Ukraine: a recap of basic IHL rules.

Basic principles of the law of armed conflict